SIOP Presentation 2017 - Overcoming Common Problems in Meta-Analysis

There are links below to the software used in the SIOP presentation. The suffix for the files you download is .txt. My server will not let me share files with the .r suffix, so I have added a .txt suffix to R files. To run in R, just download the file and remove the .txt suffix.

Kepes & McDaniel - Sensitivity Analysis in Meta-Analytic Reviews

Sensitivity Example. This program runs the meta-analysis of correlations of brain size and intelligence.

V1_6_sensitivity...file. This program contains the code for all the sensitivity analysis (a subroutine).

Example Data. This program contains the data for the example.

PowerPoint Slides. This file contains the PowerPoint slideshow.

Table in Word format. This file contains a Word file as an example for publication.

Sensitivity analysis output in Excel. This contains an Excel file with numerical and grapichs outputas an example. Graphics outputs are also contained in individual png files..

Oswald, Zuo & Mulfinger - Modeling Dependent Effect Sizes

PowerPoint Slides. PowerPoint slide show SIOP 2017.

R code. A program illustrating methods for analyzing dependent effect sizes

Brannick & Potter - Improved Weights for Estimating the Mean

Slides. PowerPoint slide show.